Introduction to Python/Jupyter Notebook
Envrionment Setup
This is an introductory course to scientific computing, which covers basic scientific computing topics, including nonlinear equations, approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, linear systems, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, numerical optimization, and numerical differential equations. We will discuss both mathematical principles, numerical algorithms, and software development for solving realistic scientific and engineering problems. One distinguishing feature of the course is "learning-by-doing".
Keh-Ming Shyue 薛克民 @ R427
Yueh-Chou Lee 李岳洲 @ R439 (
Yu-Yuan Yuan 袁佑緣 @ R438 (
Contact us!
Introduction to Python/Jupyter Notebook
Envrionment Setup
Root-finding Algorithms
Aitken Extrapolation / Polynomial Interpolation Algorithms
Numerical Differentiation / Integration
Linear System
Project Discussion
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